Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Windy City Heat

Date Released: October 12, 2003
Director: Bobcat Goldthwait
Cast: Perry Caravello, Don Barris, Tony Barbieri, Lisa Arch, Bobcat Goldthwait, Jimmy Kimmel, Dane Cook
Genre: Comedy
Rating: 6.6/10 Stars (IMDB.com)

     "Windy City Heat" was a made for TV movie that premiered on Comedy Central in 2003.  The movie has presently gained an immense cult following since its debut.  The movie "stars" Perry Caravello, a struggling actor/comedian who believes he is the star of an action spoof film titled "Windy City Heat".  The entire movie is a practical joke on Perry. The pranks that are being played on Perry are the movie. Longtime friends and comedians Don Barris (Big Lou) and Tony Barbieri (Mole) are Perry's co-stars who continually play pranks on him throughout the movie while the temperamental Perry reacts.  Other guest stars including Dane Cook, Adam Carollla, and Bobcat Goldthwait also contribute to the prank. Because the unsuspecting Perry is "willing to do anything to be a star", and believes that he is being filmed at all times for the behind the scenes material for the DVD, he never questions anything.
     This movie is a comedic masterpiece. "Windy City Heat" made me laugh so hard I literally had to pause the movie at different points to gather my composure. To writers Don Barris, Mole, and Jimmy Kimmel, my hats off to you for putting together one of the most brilliant practical jokes to ever be played on someone. Let's not forget Perry Caravello, who is hilarious in his own right, especially when he loses his temper. All I can say is watch, enjoy, and spread the word.  Make sure to watch the bonus material on the DVD, especially "the reveal" segment. The best part is, The Perry Caravello saga continues........

My Rating: 9/10
Available on DVD:  http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_15?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=windy+city+heat&sprefix=windy+city+heat

Posted by Matt


  1. Agreed. This is hands down the funniest film I've ever seen.

  2. This movie is very funny. Some people I know don't like it for some reason, I guess they just don't get it. I feel bad for those people. They're stupid. Perry Caravello is a star!
