Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thank You For Smoking

Release Date:14 April 2006 (USA)
Director: Jason Reitman
Stars:Aaron Eckhart, Cameron Bright and Maria Bello
Genres:Comedy | Drama
Rating: 7.8/10 (

Nick Naylor (Aaron Eckhart) is a successful lobbyist on behalf of the tobacco industry. His is the face of Big Tobacco, and his job is to defend the reputation of Big Tobacco when anti-smoking sentiment seems to be everywhere.

Whn he's not working, Nick is raising his 12 year old son, Joey (Cameron Bright). There is quite a bit of dialogue between Nick and Joey as Nick tries to help Joey understand some of the apparent contradictions between what he says publicly and what he says when at home. Being a role model to Joey is clearly one of Nick's priorities.

The movie has its share of creative dialogue, instances where Nick turns a seemingly strong argument against smoking on its head using creative or unexpected logic. The story progresses through a business trip where Nick visits the Marlboro Man in person, speaks before Congress and is kidnapped and nearly killed by nicotine patches. All the while Nick stays true to his son and his cause, an unwavering example of persistence that is easy to admire.

This is an excellent movie, eliciting sympathy from the audience for an individual many people would otherwise love to hate. I consider it to be well done, with a nice balance of thought provoking dialogue, action, suspense and drama that has kept my attention each time I have watched and re-watched it.

My rating: excellent (out of superb)

posted by: Thomas

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